Invest Your Life

January 2, 2022 Speaker: Dan Brown Series: Stand Alone

Passage: Ephesians 5:15–17

Text: Ephesians 5:15-17
Title: Invest Your Life

How are you spending your life? 

"Your life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you want. But you can only spend it once. How are you spending your life?" - Chuck Swindoll

How is God calling you to invest your life in 2022? 

"Carefully" - something done accurately, precisely, or given close attention to. 
Unwise living = foolish. 
Wise living = understanding the will of the Lord. 

How is God calling you to invest your life in 2022? 
- Find a spot to serve at Restoration. 
- Serve at a local non-profit (like Love INC). 
- Invest your life in others (make disciples). 
- Invest in relationship with others. 

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